Regulation translation


We provide a high-quality translation service embedded with the consideration of global harmonization

We understand the importance of accurate and timely translation of laws, regulations, and notifications related to automotive certification and compliance. That's why we offer expert regulation translation services that cover a wide range of documents.

We understand the importance of accurate and timely translation of laws, regulations, and notifications related to automotive certification and compliance. That’s why we offer expert regulation translation services that cover a wide range of documents.

Translation List

No.법규명Laws and regulations name
1자동차관리법Motor Vehicle Management Act
2자동차관리법 시행령Enforcement Decree of the Motor Vehicle Management Act
3자동차관리법 시행규칙Enforcement Rules of Motor Vehicle Management Act
4자동차 및 자동차부품의 성능과 기준에 관한 규칙Regulations for the Performance and Safety Standards of Motor vehicle and Vehicle parts(KMVSS)
5자동차 및 자동차부품의 성능과 기준 시행세칙Detailed Regulations of KMVSS (KMVSS TP)
6자동차 및 자동차부품의 인증 및 조사 등에 관한 규정Regulation for certification and investigation of Vehicles and Vehicle parts
7자동차안전도평가시험 등에 관한 규정Regulations for New Car Assessment Program (KNCAP)
8자동차등록번호판등의 기준에 관한 고시Regulations on license plate
9자동차 차대번호 등의 운영에 관한 규정Regulations on the Operation for Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
10신규제작자동차 실내공기질 관리기준Standard for Vehicle Interior Air Quality
11자동차의 에너지 소비효율, 온실가스 배출량 및 연료소비율 시험방법 등에 관한 고시Regulation on TP for EE, GHG, FE
12자율주행차 상용화 촉진 지원에 관한 법률Act on Promotion and Support of Commercialization of Autonomous Vehicles (AV Act)
13자율주행차 상용화 촉진 지원에 관한 법률 시행령Enforcement Decree of the AV Act
14자율주행차 상용화 촉진 지원에 관한 법률 시행규칙Enforcement Rule of AV Act
15자율주행차 상용화 촉진 및 지원에 관한 규정Regulation for AV commercialization
16자율주행차 사고조사위원회 구성운영 등에 관한 규정Regulation on Composition and Operation, etc. of AV Accident Investigation Committee
17자동차 손해배상 보장법Act on vehicle accident compensation
18자동차 손해배상 보장법 시행령Enforcement Decree of Act on vehicle accident compensation
19자율협력주행 인증관리기준 (안)C-ITS Certification Management Standards
20자율주행자동차의 안전운행요건 및 시험운행 등에 관한 규정Regulation on safe driving requirements, test driving, etc., of Autonomous Vehicles
21자유무역협정체결로 인정되는 자동차 안전기준Vehicle safety standards approved through the conclusion of Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
22DMB 등 영상표시장치의 작동제한 이행합의Implementation Agreement of restrictions on operation of video display devices such as DMB, etc.
23표준정비시간의 공개방법 등에 관한 규정Regulation on discloure method, etc., of standard maintenance hours
24자동차제작자등의 정비업자에 대한 기술지도.교육 및 정비 장비.자료의 제공에 관한 규정Regulation on the provision of technical training·education and maintenance equipment·data
No.법규명Laws and regulations name
1대기환경보전법Air Environment Conservation Act (AECA)
2대기환경보전법 시행령AECA Enforcement Decrees
3대기환경보전법 시행규칙AECA Rules
4소음진동관리법Noise and Vibration Management Act
5소음진동관리법 시행령Enforcement Decree of Noise and Vibration Management Act
6소음진동관리법 시행규칙Enforcement Rules of Noise and Vibration Management Act
7제작자동차 인증 및 검사 방법과 절차 등에 관한 규정Regulations for Certification and Test Methods and Procedures of Manufactured Vehicles
8제작자동차 시험검사 및 절차에 관한 규정Regulations for Test Procedures of Manufactured Vehicles
9연간저공해자동차Annual Supply Target for Low Emission Vehicles and Zero Emission Vehicles
10자동차 평균에너지소비효율기준·온실가스 배출허용기준 및 기준의 적용·관리 등에 관한 고시Regulation for Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards, Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards, and Their Application and Management
11에코이노베이션 기술에 의한 자동차 온실가스 배출 저감 및 에너지소비관련 개선 효과 인정 지침Guidelines for Recognizing the Reduction of Automotive Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Improvement Related to Fuel Economy by Eco-Innovation Technology
12전기자동차 보급대상 평가에 관한 규정Regulations on Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Supply Subjects
13전기.전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률Act on Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles
14전기.전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 시행령Enforcement Decree of the Act on Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles
15전기.전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 시행규칙Enforcement Rule of the Act on Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles
16화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률Act on Chemical Substances Registration and Evaluation
17화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 시행령Enforcement Decree of Act on Chemical Substances Registration and Evaluation
18화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 시행규칙Enforcement Rule of the Act on Chemical Substances Registration and Evaluation
19기존화학물질Phase-In Substances
20제한물질·금지물질의 지정Designation of Restricted and Prohibited Substances
21화학물질관리법Chemical Substances Control Act
22화학물질관리법 시행령Enforcement Decree of the Chemical Substances Control Act
23화학물질관리법 시행규칙Enforcement Rule of the Chemical Substances Control Act
24안전확인대상생활화학제품 지정 및 안전·표시기준Designation of Chemical Products for Consumers in Need of Safety Assurance and Standards for Safety and Labeling
25생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률Act Regulating Safety of Chemical Products for Consumers and Biocides
26생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률 시행령Enforcement Decree of the Act Regulating Safety of Chemical Products for Consumers and Biocides
27생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙Enforcement Rule of the Act Regulating the Safety of Chemical Products for Consumers and Biocides
28전기자동차 보급사업 보조금 업무처리지침Regulations on Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Supply Subjects
29등록 또는 신고 면제대상 화학물질Chemical substances exempted from registration or reporting
30화학물질 시험기관의 지정기준 및 관리기준 등에 관한 규정Regulation on the designation and management requirement for chemical substance test facility
31등록신청자료의 작성방법 및 유해성심사 방법 등에 관한 규정Regulation on preparation of registration application data and hazard assessment method, etc.
32자동차 배출가스 결함 확인 검사용 자동차 선정 등에 관한 규정Reg. on the selection, etc. of in-use vehicle for emission test
33국립환경과학원 시험의뢰 규칙Rule for requesting a test to NIER
34자동차 배출가스 등급 산정방법에 관한 규정Regulation for Calculating Emissions grade of Vehicles
35제작사 기술인력 및 시설확인업무 처리지침Guideline on manufacturer’s technical staff and facility audit for in-house test
36제작자동차업무관리규정Business management regulation for manufactured vehicles
37대기관리권역의 대기환경개선에 관한 특별법Special Act on the Improvement of Air Quality in Air Control Zones
38대기관리권역의 대기환경개선에 관한 특별법 시행령Decree of Special Act on the Improvement of Air Quality in Air Control Zones
39대기관리권역의 대기환경개선에 관한 특별법 시행규칙Rule of Special Act on the Improvement of Air Quality in Air Control Zones
40전기.전자제품과 자동차의 유해물질 함유기준의 준수여부 확인 등에 관한 업무처리지침Guidelines for concentration requirements for hazardous substances
41자동차의 재활용정보제공통신망Communication network providing vehicle recycling information
42자동차의 재활용가능률평가방법Evaluation method for the recyclability of vehicles
43자료보호신청서의 작성방법 및 보호자료 관리방법 등에 관한 규정Regulations on the preparation of data protection application and the method of managing protected data, etc.
44자원순환법 관련 Q&A 사례Q&A cases related to the enforcement of the Act on the Resource Circulation
No.법규명Laws and regulations name
1자동차의 에너지소비효율 및 등급표시에 관한 규정Regulations on fuel economy and rating identification of vehicles
2환경친화적 자동차의 요건 등에 관한 규정Regulation on qualification of eco-friendly vehicles
3자동차용 타이어의 에너지소비효율 측정 및 등급기준·표시 등에 관한 규정Regulations for the measurement of energy efficiency of vehicle tires and the rating standards and labeling, etc.
4에너지이용합리화법Energy Use Rationalization Act
5에너지이용합리화법 시행령Enforcement Decree of Energy Use Rationalization Act
6에너지이용합리화법 시행규칙Enforcement Rules of Energy Utilization Rationalization Act
7환경친화적자동차의 개발 및 보급 촉진에 관한 법률Act on promotion for eco-friendly vehicles’ supply and development
8환경친화적자동차의 개발 및 보급 촉진에 관한 법률 시행령Enforcement Decree of Act for Promotion for eco-friendly vehicles supply and development
9환경친화적자동차의 개발 및 보급 촉진에 관한 법률 시행규칙Enforcement Rule for the Act of eco-friendly vehicles supply and development
10전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법Electrical Appliances and Household Goods Safety Control Act
11전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법 시행규칙Enforcement Rule of Electrical Appliances and Household Goods Safety Control Act
12전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리 운용요령Operational guidelines for the safety management of electrical appliances and household goods
13석유제품의 품질기준과 검사방법 및 검사수수료에 관한 고시Notification on Quality Standards and Inspection Methods and Inspection Fee of Petroleum Products
14KC 61851-1 전기자동차 충전 시스템KC 61851-1 Electric vehicle conductive charging system
15전기자동차 충전기 기술기준Technical requirements for EV charger
16바이오디젤 시범보급사업 추진에 관한 고시Announcement on Promotion of Biodiesel Pilot Supply Project
No.법규명Laws and regulations name
1전파법Radio Wave Act
2전파법 시행령Enforcement Decree of Radio Wave Act
3방송통신기자재등의 적합성평가에 관한 고시Notification conformity assessment of broadcasting and communication equipment, etc
4대한민국 주파수 분배표Radio frequency allocation
5신고하지 아니하고 개설할 수 있는 무선국용 무선설비의 기술기준Technical requirements for radio equipment for radio stations which can be established without reporting
6전자파적합성 기준Electromagnetic compatibility standards
7전자파적합성 시험방법Electromagnetic compatibility test method
8한·EU FTA 체결에 따른 방송통신기자재등의 적합성평가 상호인정에 관한 고시Notification on Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment in accordance with KOR-EU FTA
No.법규명Laws and regulations name
1제조물책임법Product Liability Act
2도로교통법시행규칙Enforcement Rule for Road Traffic Act
3소방시설 설치 및 관리에 관한 법률Act on the installation control of firefighting systems
4소방시설 설치 및 관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙Enforcement Rule for Firefighting Systems Act
5중대재해 처벌 등에 관한 법률Act on the Punishment of Serious Accidents
6중대재해 처벌 등에 관한 법률 시행령Enforcement Decree of Act on the punishment of serious accidents
7소비자피해보상규정Regulations for Consumer Damage Compensation
8소비자분쟁해결기준Resolution criteria for consumer’s disputes
9소화기의 형식승인 및 제품검사의 기술기준Technical standards for type approval and product inspection of fire extinguishers
10자동차용 정지표시판Standard for Supplier Conformity Confirmation (Portable Jacks for Automobiles)
11공급자적합 성확인대상 생활용품(자동차용 휴대용 잭)의 안전기준[Attachment 2] Supplier Conformity Verification Standard-Portable jacks for automobiles
12잔류성 오염물질 관리법Persistent Pollutants Control Act
13잔류성 오염물질 관리법 시행령Enforcement Decree for the Persistent Pollutants Control Act
14잔류성 오염물질 관리법 시행규칙Enforcement Rule for the Persistent Pollutants Control Act

Monthly Update

법규명Laws and regulations name
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법_결함시정계획의안발의MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_Defect rectification plan
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법_배터리정기검사의안발의MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_Battery inspection
국토부 공포_안전기준시행세칙MOLIT Promulgation_KMVSS TP
국토부 개정안_NCAP(차대차 상호충돌안전성)MOLIT Draft_NCAP(TP-CS-10) Car-to-car crash compatibility test procedures
국토부 개정안_NCAP(충돌안전성)MOLIT Draft_NCAP(TP-CS-1,2,3,4,6) Crash test procedures
국토부 공포_자동차의 에너지 소비효율, 온실가스 배출량 및 연료소비율 시험방법 등에 관한 고시MOLIT Promulgation_ Regulation on Test Procedures, etc. for Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Economy of Vehicles
국토부 공포_자율주행자동차 상용화 촉진 및 지원에 관한 법률 시행규칙MOLIT Promulgation_Enforcement Rule the Act on the Promotion and Support of the Commercialization of Autonomous Vehicles (Enforcement Rule of the AV Act)
환경부 개정안_대기환경보전법(무공해자동차)MOE Draft_Air Environment Conservation Act_ZEV
환경부 공포_대기환경보전법 시행규칙MOE Promulgation_Enforcement Rule of AECA
환경부 공포_소음진동관리법 시행규칙MOE Promulgation_Enforcement Rules of Noise and Vibration Management Act
환경부 공포_화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률MOE Promulgation_Act on Chemical Substances Registration and Evaluation
산자부 공포_환경친화적 자동차의 요건 등에 관한 규정MOTIE Promulgation_Regulation on qualification of eco-friendly vehicles
산자부 공포_에너지이용 합리화법 시행령MOTIE Promulgation_Enforcement Decree of Energy Use Rationalization Act
과기부 공포_전파법 시행령MSIT Promulgation_Enforcement Decree of Radio Wave Act
과기부 개정안_방송통신기자재등의 적합성평가에 관한 고시MSIT Draft_Notification for conformity assessment of broadcasting and communication equipment, etc.
과기부 공포_방송통신기자재등의 적합성평가에 관한 고시MSIT Promulgation_Notification for conformity assessment of broadcasting and communication equipment, etc.
기타 공포_소방시설 설치 및 관리에 관한 법률Others Promulgation_Act on the installation control of firefighting systems
기타 공포_소화기의 형식승인 및 제품검사의 기술기준Others Promulgation_Technical standard for type approval and product inspection of fire extinguishers
법규명Laws and regulations name
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법_자료제공MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_Data provision
환경부 개정안_대기환경보전법(변경인증)MOE Draft_Air Environment Conservation Act _Modification certification
환경부 개정안_대기환경보전법(라벨)MOE Draft_Air Environment Conservation Act _Label
국토부 개정안_NCAP(외부통행자 1차)MOLIT 1st Draft_NCAP (TP-VS-1) Test and Assessment Protocols for Vulnerable Road User Impact Protection Safety
국토부 개정안_NCAP(외부통행자 2차)MOLIT 2nd Draft_NCAP (TP-VS-1) Test and Assessment Protocols for Vulnerable Road User Impact Protection Safety
국토부 개정안_NCAP(차대차상호충돌)MOLIT Draft_NCAP (TP-CS-10) Car-to-car crash compatibility test procedures
국토부 개정안_NCAP(충돌안전성)MOLIT Draft_NCAP (TP-CS-1~6) Crash test procedures
환경부 개정안_2023년 전기자동차 보급사업 보조금 업무처리지침MOE Draft_Guideline for 2023 EV Subsidy Management
과기부 개정안_방송통신기자재등의 적합성평가에 관한 고시MSIT Draft_Notification conformity assessment of broadcasting and communication equipment, etc.
산자부 공포_환경친화적 자동차의 요건 등에 관한 규정MOTIE Promulgation_Regulation on qualification of eco-friendly vehicles
국토부 개정안_자관법(전기차 조사)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_EV battery investigation
법규명Laws and regulations name
국토부 개정안_자율협력주행 인증관리기준(제정안)MOLIT Draft_C-ITS Certification Management Standards(new establishment)
산자부 개정안_자동차의 에너지소비효율 및 등급표시에 관한 규정 (전기차 전비 등급표시)MOTIE Drat_reg. on fuel economy and rating identification of vehicles_EV rating identification
산자부 공포_환경친화적 자동차의 개발 및 보급 촉진에 관한 법률 시행령MOTIE Promulgation_enf. Decree of Act for Promotion for eco-friendly vehicles supply and development
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(사용자설명서)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_OM
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(무상수리)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_Warranty repair
환경부 개정안_대기환경보전법(캠핑카중량)MOE Draft_Air Environment Conservation Act _Camping car weight
환경부 개정안_연간 저공해자동차 및 무공해자동차 보급목표MOE Drat_Annual Supply Target for Low Emission Vehicles and Zero Emission Vehicles
기타 개정안_제조물책임법(입증책임)Others Drat_Product Liability Act_burden of proof
국토부 공포_KNCAP 세부 시험방법 및 평가방법(차대차 상호 충돌안전성 및 V2X 신규 추가)MOLIT Promulgation_KNCAP detailed test procedures(Newly added : Car-to-car crash compatibility, V2X communication device)
기타 개정안_소화기의 형식승인 및 제품검사의 기술기준(D급 소화기)Others Drat_Technical standard of fire extinguishers_class D
산자부 공포_환경친화적 자동차의 요건 등에 관한 규정MOTIE Promulgation_Regulation on qualification of eco-friendly vehicles
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(대체부품)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_certified substitute parts
법규명Laws and regulations name
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(무상수리)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_warranty repair
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(전기차화제관련 제작결함검사)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_EV manufacturing defect investigation
환경부 공포_안전확인대상생활화학제품 지정 및 안전·표시기준MOE Promulgation_Designation of Chemical Products for Consumers in Need of Safety Assurance and Standards for Safety and Labeling
기타 개정안_제조물책임법Others Draft_Product Liability Act
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(배터리안전인증)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_Battery safety certification
과기부 개정안_전파법 (적합성평가취소)MSIT Draft_Radio Wave Act Rev_Cancellation of conformity assessment
과기부 개정안_전파법 (자기적합확인제도-의안발의)MSIT Draft_Radio Wave Act Rev_Self-certified conformity
산자부 개정안_환경친화적 자동차의 요건 등에 관한 규정MOTIE Draft_Regulation on qualification of eco-friendly vehicles
과기부 공포_방송통신기자재등의 적합성평가에 관한 고시MSIT Promulgation_Notification for conformity assessment of broadcasting and communication equipment, etc.
환경부 개정안_제작자동차 인증 및 검사 방법과 절차 등에 관한 규정MOE Draft_Reg. for Certi. and Test Methods and Procedures of Manufactured Vehicles
환경부 개정안_제작자동차 인증 및 검사 방법과 절차 등에 관한 규정(1회 충전주행거리 영향 미치는 주요 부품)MOE Draft_Reg. for Certi. and Test Methods and Procedures of Manufactured Vehicles_EV components
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법(임시운행허가증삭제)MOLIT Draft_Motor Vehicle Management Act_Temporary operation permit
국토부 개정안_자동차관리법 시행규칙(AV원격접근)MOLIT Draft_Enf. Rules of Motor Vehicle Management Act_AV remote access

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Our expertise on Homologation comes from more than
20 years of certification experience and a wide
spectrum of cases for various vehicle models